Wednesday, February 04, 2004

*Tristan and Nae Nae drive up to the Mc Donalds window to order*

MD Lady: That will be One O Five.
Nae Nae: Okay Thank you.
*Nae Nae rumbles through her change*
NaeNae (to herself): I've got the one and I've got the five.
Tristan (very calmly): Don't forget the O.
NaeNae: Okay, Tristan, I won't.
*drives to window to hand woman money*
NaeNae: Here's a one and a five.
*NaeNae grabs food and begins to drive off*
Tristan (very annoyed and matter of fact): NaeNae, you forgot the O.

Spring scribbled at 12:14 PM.

Friday, January 16, 2004

Scene: Mom picking up Tristan from school and asking about his day. On the way home...

Tristan: "Hey mama, guess what?"
Mom: "What Tristan?"
Tristan: "I got this paper with a ribbon around it."
Mom: "Where did you get it?"
Tristan: "Someone gave it to me."
Mom: "Is it yours?"
Tristan: "Yeah."
Mom: "Who did you get if from?"
*Tristan remains silent*
Mom: "Did you get it from a girl?"
*Tristan nods his head yes looking down*
Mom: "So which girl gave it to you?"
*Tristan remains silent*
*mom looks back at tristan*
Tristan: "Well I'm not in love with her"
(Mom laughs a little...)
Mom: "Did you get it from Anne-Marie?"
Tristan: "Noooooo"
Mom: "Did you get it from *random girl*?"
Tristan: "noooo"
Mom: "Did you get it from Alexus?"
Mom looks in the review to see Tristan nodding yes.
Mom: "Is she your girlfriend?"
Tristan nodds yes...
Mom: "Oooom....I'm going to tell Marisa...."
Tristan: "I'm not in-love with her"
Spring scribbled at 3:58 PM.

Wednesday, January 07, 2004

It's Christmas time and We asked Tristan eveyday what he wanted for Christmas, and he generally said the same thing,"a yo yo, tank, and a buzz lightyear rocket with (?something I can't remember) In any case I had just come from the bathroom when Tris walked up to me and he had this look on his face like his world just crumbled. He looked up at me and said

Tristan: "Mom, I wish I had my own gum disease."

Mom: "Do you know what that is?"

Tristan: "No, but I want one"
Stands on the Clouds scribbled at 4:25 PM.

Friday, December 26, 2003

Tristan: "Auntie, do you want to play Police?"
Auntie: "Not now, baby. We're fixing to go."
Tristan: (Very serious) "But it's police!"
Spring scribbled at 5:14 PM.
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